After Lobbing Rolls at a Holzer, live (after Rodney Graham)
Holzer (me) dressed like Dan Graham, drinking vodka and lobbing rolls at a Holzer (from the series Visits, 2005), for about 10 minutes, twice.
Lobbing Rolls at a Holzer, live (after Rodney Graham), 2009
On the occasion of Sex, Sex, Sex. Nein, Nein, Nein. Der so und sovielte Salon des Arts, Vienna, 2009
Pierre baking Rolls for Lobbing Rolls at a Holzer, live (after Rodney Graham)
Many thanks to Pierre E. Finzi for baking rolls and David Jourdan for the invitation to Sex, Sex, Sex. Nein, Nein, Nein. Der so und sovielte Salon des Arts.