LISA HOLZER/DAVID JOURDAN/WESTPHALIE: "Bread-and-Butter, Ditsies and Dumb-Dumb." Cneai de Paris, May, 2011

Read N' Utter, Siebdrucke, 105x150 cm; Präsentation von Untitled, massive Bronze Paperweights von Bettina Komenda für Westphalie; 7XL T-shirt von The Yellow Kid; Max und Bruno backen die köstlichsten Brezel; Read N' Utter, B-Sprache Performance von David Jourdan und mir, David liest Rezepte von Bocuse und ich lese die Siebdrucke Das Lied von den Traurigen Bäckern und die Liste von B-Worten von einem der Vier Pressetexte für ....BBBB live übersetzt in "B-Sprache".

Read N' Utter, Silkscreens, 105x150 cm; Presentation of Untitled, massive bronze paperweights by Bettina Komenda for Westphalie; 7XL T-shirt of The Yellow Kid; Max and Bruno baking the most delicious pretzels; Read N' Utter, B-Language Performance by David Jourdan and me, David reads recipes of Bocuse and I read the silk screens Das Lied von den Traurigen Bäckern and the list of B-words from one of the Four Press Texts for ....BBBB translated live into "B-tongue".

Special Thanks to Max and Bruno Turnheim for baking pretzels, Daniel Lorch for taking pictures, and Bettina Komenda for Westphalie's first edition, massive bronze paperweights.
To order Untitled, 2 massive bronze paperweights by Bettina Komenda please go to
Read N' Utter, B-Language Performance on youtube.
Texte der Read N' Utter Siebdrucke / Texts of the Read N' Utter silkscreens